05 March 2020

M1 forms new MVNO partnership with Geenet

Geenet will offer mobile services on M1’s mobile network

M1 Limited (M1) today announced its new Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) partnership with Geenet Pte Ltd (Geenet). With this new partnership, Geenet will utilise M1’s mobile network infrastructure to offer mobile services.
Geenet provides Wi-Fi services to over 20 dormitories and has the largest market share for dormitory Wi-Fi. It provides free Wi-Fi in communal areas and offers premium paid Wi-Fi services at higher speeds to residents looking to stay connected beyond the shared spaces. At present, more than one-third of dormitory residents subscribe to a paid Wi-Fi plan, and Geenet has seen an increase in the number of subscribers over the years.
Through its partnership with M1, Geenet’s integrated plan will comprise Wi-Fi and mobile services, which include data, SMS, local and international calls. With the launch of mobile services, Geenet is the first MVNO in Singapore to offer both Wi-Fi and mobile services specifically for the dormitory residents. The new offering will give customers greater flexibility in choosing their Wi-Fi and mobile plans, providing options that can be customised to suit their preferences. The new mobile service option will also bring greater value to existing paid Wi-Fi customers, and will give M1 the opportunity to capture a larger market share by offering mobile services to a new and untapped group of customers.
In the latest Opensignal Singapore Mobile Network Experience report[1], M1 is the first and only operator in Singapore to achieve an ‘Excellent’ score for Video Experience. M1 was also ranked first for Latency Experience, attaining the fastest responsiveness time of just 26.6ms. This underscores M1’s ongoing efforts to provide the best mobile network experience for its customers. Via M1’s superior mobile network, Geenet’s customers will be able to make international calls with a stronger signal and lower drop-off rate, and for those who choose to video call will experience seamless and better conversations. Customers can also enjoy the benefits of M1’s highly responsive network, be it for streaming videos, playing video games, or simply browsing the web.
“We are supportive of MVNOs that bring about new and unique value propositions. By providing a suitable platform and low barriers to entry, we are able to help niche operators come onboard with us. With Geenet’s prominent market presence in the dormitory residents segment, we can tap onto their existing market presence to reach out to a new group of customers and provide them with an enhanced mobile service experience. We look forward to working closely with Geenet to forge a successful MVNO partnership,” said Mr Lee Kok Chew, Chief Financial Officer, M1.
“We are pleased to be the first MVNO in Singapore to partner M1 to offer an integrated Wi-Fi and mobile services to our customers, enabling them to be connected in the dormitories and everywhere else in Singapore. With the partnership with M1, we are confident of meeting our customers’ communication needs to connect them to the digital world,” said Mr Ho Teck Hong, Managing Director, Geenet.
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1] Opensignal Singapore Mobile Network Experience Report – December 2019

About M1
M1, a subsidiary of Keppel Corporation, is Singapore’s most vibrant and dynamic communications company, providing mobile and fixed services to over two million customers. Since the launch of commercial services in 1997, M1 has achieved many firsts, including the first operator to offer nationwide 4G service, as well as ultra high-speed fixed broadband, fixed voice and other services on the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (NGNBN). With a continual focus on network quality, customer service, value and innovation, M1 links anyone and anything; anytime, anywhere. For more information, visit www.m1.com.sg
About Geenet
Geenet was started in 2014 from a simple idea of connecting foreign residents in Singapore to their loved ones back home. Today, Geenet provides connectivity to 100,000 residents in 24 dormitories, providing them access to internet to connect to their loved ones and their digital world. With the launch of Mobile Services in March 2020, Geenet is the Singapore’s first and only integrated WiFi-Mobile provider to dormitory residents. Geenet continues to innovate and expands the product portfolio to enable our customers to connect to their digital world. For more information, visit www.geenet.com.sg.