Latest research publications and presentations. Our research publications cover a wide range of topics aimed at providing insights into issues influencing the investment and economic landscapes across Asia.

28 May 2024
Webinar: Education - An Enduring Investment
Organised in conjunction with Keppel Education Asset Fund’s 3rd investors’ meeting in May 2024. The education sector in Asia Pacific is a highly resilient and defensive sector, supported by positive macrotrends including a fast-growing middle class, rising affluence and the continued focus on quality education. These trends are expected to sustain the demand for world-class education-related assets. Hear from esteemed speakers as they share insights on the education landscape and student accommodation market in the APAC region, as well as opportunities in the education sector.

26 April 2024
Webinar: Asian Infrastructure Outlook and Opportunities
Organised in conjunction with Keppel Asia Infrastructure Fund’s fourth annual general meeting in April 2024, hear from Mr Chua Soon Ghee (Senior Partner, Kearney) as he shared his views and insights on the continued growth and investment opportunities in the fast-growing Asian infrastructure space in key sectors including energy and environment, transportation and logistics as well as digital infrastructure.

25 Oct 2023
Infrastructure - Driving Sustainable Development
Fund Management Research Commentary

15 Aug 2023
Presentation Slides for Keppel REITs and Trust Investor Day in Bangkok, 16 Aug 2023
Keppel Capital

25 May 2023
Webinar: Investing in Tomorrow’s Future
Organised in conjunction with Keppel Education Asset Fund’s 2nd investors’ meeting in May 2023. The education sector in Asia Pacific is a resilient and fast-growing sector, supported by positive macrotrends including rapid urbanisation, an expanding middle class and rising affluence. These trends are expected to sustain the demand for quality real estate for schools and campuses. Hear from esteemed speakers from L.E.K Consulting and Savills as they share insights on the education landscape and student accommodation market in the APAC region, as well as opportunities in the education-related real estate sector.

5 May 2023
APAC Real Estate: Winds of Change
Keppel Capital Watch

23 August 2022
Presentation Slides for Citi-SGX-REITAS REITs/Sponsors Forum, 24-25 Aug 2022
Keppel Capital 

4 August 2022
Infrastructure: Getting to the Core
Keppel Capital Commentary

21 May 2022
Presentation Slides for REITs Symposium in Singapore, 21 May 2022
Keppel Capital 

27 April 2022
Webinar: A Thematic Approach to Infrastructure Investing
Organised in conjunction with Keppel Asia Infrastructure Fund’s 2nd annual general meeting in April 2022, hear from esteemed speakers from Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) and Bain & Company as they shared insights on the global economic outlook, as well as opportunities and trends in the waste and environmental services sector.

1 November 2021
CNA: Investing In A Global Relationship - Keppel Capital 
CEO, Ms Christina Tan was recently featured in the "Building Asia with UOB" programme on CNA.
Click on the link above to find out more on how Keppel Capital and UOB are investing in a global relationship to bring value to investors in Singapore and beyond. 

25 August 2021
Presentation Slides for Citi-SGX-REITAS REITs & Sponsors Forum, 25 Aug 2021
Keppel Capital

16 August 2021
Asia Pacific Retail: Rethinking Post COVID-19
Keppel Capital Commentary

7 July 2021
China - Firing Up Twin Propellers 
Keppel Capital Commentary

15 May 2021
Presentation Slides for REITs Symposium in Singapore, 15 May 2021
Keppel Capital 

11 May 2021
Presentation Slides for Keppel Capital Virtual Corporate Day
Keppel Capital 

5 April 2021
US Senior Living: Retiring Gracefully
Keppel Capital Watch

16 November 2020
Asia Pacific Education: Learning Through Crises
Keppel Capital Watch

19 September 2020
Presentation Slides for REITs Symposium in Singapore, 19 Sep 2020
Keppel Capital

9 September 2020
Vietnam - Long-term Prospects Intact 
Keppel Capital Commentary

1 September 2020
Asia Pacific Real Estate: It is Not Business as Usual
Keppel Capital Watch

25 August 2020
Presentation Slides for Citi-REITAS-SGX C-Suite Singapore REITs and Sponsors Forum, 25 Aug 2020
Keppel Capital

4 August 2020
In Conversation with Christina Tan, CEO of Keppel Capital
Keppel Capital 

14 July 2020
Data Centres - Not Just Hype
Keppel Capital Watch

10 February 2020
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) - Likely Short-term Demand Blip
Keppel Capital Commentary

5 November 2019 
Asia Pacific Education: Knowledge is Power
Keppel Capital Watch

22 August 2019
Presentation Slides for Citi-REITAS-SGX C-Suite Singapore REITs and Sponsors Forum, 22 Aug 2019
Keppel Capital

17 June 2019
Southeast Asia: Growing Consumer Class
Keppel Capital Watch

18 May 2019
Presentation Slides for REITs Symposium in Singapore, 18 May 2019
Keppel Capital

25 April 2019
Australia Retail: Evolving in an E-commerce Era
Keppel Capital Commentary

22 April 2019
Recession Watch: Slowing, Not Stopping
Keppel Capital Watch

25 September 2018
Retail Real Estate: Brick-and-Mortar's Silver Linings
Keppel Capital Commentary

31 August 2018
Southeast Asia Offices: Opportunities and Challenges
Keppel Capital Watch

27 July 2018
Data Centre: Data Taking Off into the Cloud
Keppel Capital Watch

16 April 2018
Investment Strategy 2018: It's All About Alpha and Alternatives
Keppel Capital Commentary

03 April 2018
Real Estate Disruptions: Boon or Bane?
Keppel Capital Watch

10 November 2017
China 19th Party Congress: Policy Implementation to Strengthen
Keppel Capital Commentary

8 November 2017
Japan Elections: Positive for Real Estate
Keppel Capital Commentary

12 May 2017
Rethinking Retail: Lessons from China
Keppel Capital Watch

17 March 2017
Facing the Future: Impact on Singapore Real Estate
Keppel Capital Commentary

12 December 2016
President Donald Trump: A New World Order
Alpha Commentary

28 July 2016
Recession Risks: Uncertainty the New Norm
Alpha Watch

30 June 2016
UK Voted to Leave EU
Alpha Market View

05 May 2016
Data Centre: Still a Long Runway for Growth
Alpha Watch

29 March 2016
Japan Negative Interest Rate: Limited Impact
Alpha Commentary

01 March 2016
Taiwan Elections: Political Uncertainties Remain
Alpha Commentary

29 February 2016
Asia Pacific: Still the World’s Beacon of Growth
Alpha Watch

Click here to access the full list of publications.